Making perfect pecan pie is easier than you think. The Pioneer Woman shows you how with her delicious pecan pie recipe. Serve it at all your holiday gatherings....
Pan Roasted Cod with Lemon-Garlic Sauce is an easy recipe that is both delicious and Omega-3 heart-healthy. The flavor of this flaky fish is enhanced with...
This is a simple and easy cauliflower curry made with shallots, tomatoes, coconut and Indian spices. It goes well with idli, dosa, plain rice, jeera rice...
Beer Mac and Cheese combines the classic comfort food of macaroni and cheese with the adult twist of beer flavor in a beer cheese. Topped with crunchy...
Picky eaters will love this simple but delicious Crock Pot Chicken Burritos recipe. This shredded chicken and bean burritos filling can be used to make...
This easy crock pot main dish is made with mild Italian sausage, peppers and onions. Slow cooked sausage sandwiches are great for weeknight dinners and...
Chicken Tinga [teen - GA], a shredded chicken taco or tostada filling prepared with sliced onions and a tomato chipotle sauce is a full-flavored crowd... This herbed pork tenderloin recipe will go with nearly anything and is an easy & delicious "go to" dinner meal that doesn't require much...
This traditional, slow-cooking stew is a hearty, stick-to-your-ribs kind of meal that truly satisfies. It can be made overnight or in a just a few hour...
This spectacular Mushroom Stuffed Pork Tenderloin with Bacon will add a touch of elegance to any meal. It features a butterflied pork tenderloin stuffed...
With a whole head of green cabbage this big veggie stir fry is sure to fill you up. Enjoy this delicious cashew stir fry on its own or served or noodles...
Estofado de pollo is a hearty stew made with chicken, vegetables, potato and ají panca chili pepper, and can be found in Peruvian households and restaurants...
This kielbasa veggie sheet pan dinner is a rainbow of colors and can use most any vegetables you have on hand. Even better, this recipe is ready in under... Salmon Poached in white wine and lemons and served with a refreshing cucumber yogurt sauce. This is a light dish / recipe that is served...